This causes the student to start with an incorrect base. On the other hand, the traditional technique in many schools of hoof trimming (barefoot) does not respect the natural limits of the hoof and does not take into account its vertical flexibility. This leads to the inability to balance a hoof properly.

From the moment these two essential factors are ignored, trimming the hooves becomes a game of chance in which the right result for the horse is only a chance, as the trimming is neither measurable nor reproducible.

Why the traditional method of hoof trimming is a game of chance.

It must be understood that it is impossible to properly balance a hoof if its nature is not respected and its functioning is not understood.

Why the traditional method of hoof trimming is a game of chance.
Daniel Anz Founder of F-Balance®

Daniel Anz is the founder of F-Balance® and the author of the books "El nuevo Herrador" and "F-Balance - The Return to the Essence of Equine Podiatry".