This question is very open and requires a lot of clarification, but the good news is that you can make changes to the horse immediately.

Of course, the time required is relative, because it only takes what the podiatrist needs to trim the hooves. With this motto, a change can be made in just a few seconds. When working considering that the hoof has natural limits, it is envisaged that everything belonging to the hoof remains on the hoof and everything that has grown must be removed.

By removing the extra material, the horse feels total relaxation as there is nothing left to exert pressure. Then the horse takes the posture it always wanted to have, but the pressure wouldn't allow it!

Can F-Balance® correct a misalignment in just a few minutes?

The change in posture occurs immediately and the horse shows signs of relaxation, but it is important to know that the big change only occurs after hours and sometimes days, have passed because the entire body has to adapt to the new position at a myofascial level .

What happens now is that a restructuring movement occurs throughout the horse's body, allowing the horse to relax and significantly increase its performance, as well as eliminate pain.

Can F-Balance® correct a misalignment in just a few minutes?
Daniel Anz Founder of F-Balance®

Daniel Anz is the founder of F-Balance® and the author of the books "El nuevo Herrador" and "F-Balance - The Return to the Essence of Equine Podiatry".