General information
Yes, because all hooves are longitudinally flexible and have natural trimming limits. The F-Balance® concept was not invented by humans, but is a natural property of the horse's hoof. For this reason, it is present in all horses. The work of the podiatrist is based only on taking this into account.
Because it begins to consider natural references visible in the horse's foot and combines them with the longitudinal flexibility of the hoof. These natural peculiarities have always been evident in the foot, but have never been taken into account during trimming.
Yes, because this new concept allows to balance the body in an absolute way, and when this happens all its organs begin to work in harmony. Muscle contractures cease to exist and the horse relaxes in its movements. We know that if a horse does not limp it is not a guarantee of maximum performance, and the absence of pain is not a state of good health.
- It is 100% natural and respects 100% the nature of the horse (conventional podiatry is based on removing parts that belong to the foot and leaving parts that should be removed, and this happens because it does not consider the natural trimming limits and the longitudinal flexibility of the hoof as a whole).
- Complies with the wishes of the horse and not with the wishes of the podiatrist (in conventional podiatry, the wishes of the podiatrist come before the wishes of the horse).
- It respects 100% the conformation of the horse, whether perfect or defective (in conventional podiatry it is intended to respect by subjective parameters, therefore, each podiatrist respects according to personal criteria, also obtaining subjective results).
- It allows the same trimming each time, because it is based on the foot's own information. This makes it reproducible over time (during a conventional trimming, each trimming is different from another, even from the same podiatrist, so it is not reproducible over time).
- Because it is based on objective information, specific to the foot and that everyone can see, it is easy to transmit at the time of teaching (conventional podiatry cannot be transmitted in an objective way due to the absence of concrete parameters. Each podiatrist invents his own and sells it best to the one who speaks best).
- Because the F-Balance® concept refers only to trimming, the podiatrist can choose any type of shoe and footwear, or leave the horse barefoot.
- It transforms podiatry into something simple; and this is what most podiatrists fear.
Yes, but you have to keep in mind that the qualification will be based on the traditional technique, for which the participant could lose points, if trimming the hoofs considering the level of the functional sole. The appearance of a possible imbalance in the hoofs could be fined by the judge.
There are many reasons why a large number of podiatrists do not accept the F-Balance® concept. In most cases, it is due to the basic rules of human behavior. These behaviors come to the fore when - as in this case - new knowledge threatens established knowledge.
- The following are some of the reasons for the normal human rejection of new knowledge:
- The view of the hoof and the horse in general is diametrically opposed to traditional technique; the F-Balance® concept is simply a different way of thinking. Podiatrists and teaching institutions using the traditional trimming technique must replace the knowledge accumulated over centuries, and this is not easy.
- It is often taken for granted that the application of the concept also involves a tie to the name. Those who do not want to be associated with the name of the concept choose to deny it. This is far from being the case. Knowing and applying the concept does not oblige anyone to commit to the name in any way.
- When we approach something new, we consequently move away from the old. This raises natural fears, especially in the context of a new approach that is not yet 100% established worldwide.
- Once the new concept is understood, one automatically wonders what will happen to all the knowledge that will now be useless. Since detachment is difficult and requires some effort, we tend to insist on the knowledge we already know and remain in a state of apparent security.
- The concept would have a negative impact on a large market that depends on the sale of therapeutic accessories and other products, which would prevent the spread of the new approach. This could be compared to the spread of peace in an environment that lives on the production of weapons.
Traditional technique:
- Always seeks flat trimming.
- Does not consider the natural trimming limits, eliminating structures that belong to the foot.
- It does not consider the natural longitudinal flexibility of the hoof.
- Does not take as its main objective to balance the horse's body.
- It focuses on solving the consequence of the problems.
- It is not a measurable and reproducible system over time.
- Its transmission and teaching is based on subjective references.
- It fulfills personal desires, overlooking the horse's needs.
F-Balance® Concept:
- It is based on trimming that takes natural references visible on the foot.
- It takes into account the natural longitudinal flexibility of the hoof.
- Its main objective is to balance the horse's body.
- It focuses on solving the cause of the problems.
- It is a measurable and reproducible system over time.
- Its transmission and teaching is based on objective references.
- It meets the needs of the horse, overlooking the desires of the human being.
Technical questions
Because the current knowledge of the foot has been added to the longitudinal flexibility of the hoof and to follow and respect the level of the functional sole. The combination of these natural factors makes it possible to stabilize and balance the horse's body, preventing and curing pathologies that in the traditional system are only alleviated by therapeutic shoes, which help to support these problems but not to cure them from the primary cause. The F-Balance® concept does not discard all therapeutic shoes, it only stops using most of them because the horse achieves a cure without the need of them.
When applying the F-Balance®, the three traditional balances are automatically and naturally balanced. This is because the F-Balance® uses only natural parameters and, therefore, the horse's own information. Balance X (hoof viewed from the front) is obtained by trimming the heel at its stress point and following the level of the functional sole. Balance Y (hoof viewed from above) is obtained by trimming the heel at its stress point and following the level of the functional sole, and combining these two factors with the flexibility in the longitudinal direction. The Z Balance (hoof viewed from the side) is also obtained by trimming the heel at its stress point and following the level of the functional sole. The result of trimming the hoof considering its natural limits allows harmony between the 4 balances - X, Y, Z and F - to be obtained.